What would I like to say to Pope Francis about the Church worldwide?
Pope Francis invites us all to participate in this journey of the worldwide Synod and to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
The Synod is about:
Encounter – Encountering faces, meeting eyes, sharing each individual’s history
Listen – Jesus simply listens, for whatever amount of time it takes
Discern – spiritual discernment, of ecclesial discernment, that unfolds in adoration, in prayer and in dialogue with the word of God
The Synod is not about judgment or opinions – but about personal experiences.
Who is called to participate? – all the Baptised:
– practicing Catholics
– non-practicing Catholics
– Christians of other denominations
– all age groups
If you are interested in being part of a parish group, please get in touch with the office.
For more information, see the Diocesan website: https://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/synod/
and read Pope Francis’ Homily at the Launch of the Synodal Journey: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2021/documents/20211010-omelia-sinodo-vescovi.html